Message From Chairman

Dear BMU Residents,


Taman Bukit Minyak Utama (BMU) is our common home. Its clean and beautiful environment, courteous and harmonious atmosphere, provides us a comfortable place to live and play. But under the premise of security deteriorating in the neighborhood areas, several cases of theft happened in a row in Taman BMU.  The incidences threated the comfort and harmony of our Taman.  Subsequently, the security system provided by Dynamic Guard Force Sdn. Bhd. was employed about 2 years ago.  And recently, in line with local government regulations, the Taman BMU Residents Association (RA) was formed. RA formally took over security management from the previous party on April 1, 2015.

Taman BMU RA is established to do more than just security management work.  We are currently working to enhance the overall operation of the security system.  This includes discussion with local government authority to formalize the application of legal guard house/booth, discussion with our current security company to understand operation standard of its security guards and the improvement of quality and efficiency we expect from them, etc.

As part of Taman BMU, the residents have the responsibility and obligation to contribute some effort to shed some light to help us (the RA) help you to make this neighborhood a safe, comfortable, and friendly place to live.  For this purpose, the RA would like to put forth the following proposals:

1)    Those who register as a member of RA are encouraged to become part of the security plan.  A strong organization from such cooperation will enable us to quickly enhance the security system in Taman BMU.  As a member, we also should encourage the yet-to-move-in or the under-renovation homeowners to join as a RA member.  The vacant houses are vulnerable to theft.  The neighboring houses of these vacant houses are vulnerable too as the vacant houses can easily be used as access points for theft activity. We also encourage homeowners who buy BMU property as an investment to join as a RA member because the safe and comfortable environment sure will make the investment appreciates accordingly.
2)    If theft/break in happened to your house unfortunately, regardless the extent of loss, please report the event to police and RA committee accordingly.  The RA committee will analyze and see where security improvement can be done to minimize/avoid similar incidence will happen again in the future.
3)    Please report suspicious person/vehicle wandering in our neighborhood to prevent undesirable thing(s) from happening.
4)    Please report any guard’s dereliction of duty, damaged of equipment such as the wire fence and so on to the RA committee.
5)    Please report damage of street light to Tenaga Nasional Malaysia. Light is the nemesis of crime.
6)    Please switch the light on to illuminate your car porch and garden in the night time, keep your any valuables such as bicycle, shoes, tools, ladder, etc. inside your house, and keep your car locked and parked at your car porch if possible.

Taman BMU RA Chairman






1. 加入居民协会的会员,成为保安计划的一份子。强大的组织使我们更快提升保安系统。更鼓励还没有搬进来或装修中的屋主,因为空无一人的屋子,让您和您的左邻右舍更加容易遭到盗窃。也鼓励买屋投资的屋主加入会员,舒适宜居的环境肯定让您的投资得到更好的升值。

2. 如不幸发生盗窃,不管损失若干,向警方或居民协会投报。我们会针对保安漏洞加以改进。

3. 向保安人员或居民协会举报发现可疑人物,以防不幸的事情发生。

4. 向居民协会举报失职的保安人员,被破坏的保安装备如围篱等等。

5. 向国能举报损坏的街灯。灯光是罪案的克星。

6. 晚上开灯照亮庭院。脚车,运动鞋,皮鞋,工具,楼梯等收进屋里。把汽车上锁并停放在篱笆里面。


2016 Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,
You are cordially invited to our 2016 Annual General Meeting of Persatuan Penduduk Taman Bukit Minyak Utama that will be held on Sunday, 13th March 2016 at 10 a.m @ BMU Community Hall.

1. Speech by Chairman
2. Annual Report
3. Financial Report
4. Others

If you have any additional agenda to be raised up, please submit your feedback to the committee by 6th March 2016 by email :

See you there !!

Dangerous T-Junction Need Attention

6 accidents with 2 death cases reported in 5 months time frame !!

Heavy traffic at/near our Taman BM Utama main junction have been a challenges that BMU residents face every single day. 
This issue have been highlighted to MPSP, ADUN , MP ever since 2014 with no action taken so far. 

A death accident happened again last night (17 Jan 2016).

An official feedback have been made by RA to YDP MPSP , Penang Exco members , YB Steven Sim and YB Lee Khai Loon to seriously look into this matter.

Safety of our BMU resident should neverbe compromised !!

Volunteer Needed !

Now that we have finally got our guarded neighborhood approved. The RA will be embarking on our next community project that's to make BMU a better,cleaner and healthier place to live in.

For this project to be a success we will need the support, cooperation and participation of all BMU residents.

For your information, Taman BMU has been picked as the pilot project for the segregated solid waste collection at the points of wastes generation.

With a proper segregation of recyclable waste from the non recyclable waste we will be able to generates some funds and savings for our community project like donating to the poor and needy.

This is joint pilot project by the State Government and the enforcement agency MPSP and also our RA.

We hope to launched this community project soon. And each participating households will supplied with a big plastic bag to keep the recyclable waste to be send to our collecting centre to be set up.

As such we will need volunteers to help run this community project collecting centre.

All interested can contact RA Chairman for more information.

Cleaner, greener and healthier Penang !!

BM Utama Guarded Neighbourhood Approved

Dear BM Utama Residents ;
    Congratulations !!!
    We are now officially a GUARDED NEIGHBOURHOOD !

    Please join our BMU RA meeting to understand further about our status today.

    Date:    11-Dec-2015 , Friday
    Time:   8.30 PM
    Venue: BM Utama Community Hall

See you there !!

Hit and Run

18/8/2015 8.10 am Hit and Run
A Proton Wira with reg no PED 7906 have drove fast and believe to hit BMU security guard's scooter on purpose. The car have been chased by BMU security guard but managed to escape through another exit point near lorong 16.

Break in case - Unoccupied House

15/8/2015 12.45 am

BMU security received a call from one of lorong 14 resident at 12.45 am who overheard noise n ppl talking inside neighbouring unoccupied house.

BMU security guard notified their officer in charge, then called police and Pasukan Keselamatan Sukararela BM (PKSBM) . After surrounded the perimeter of the house at 1.05 am , they went in to check but unfortunately the thief have managed to escaped before the arrival of the team. Found sign of break in through window with foot print.